Handbook for Students




To maintain discipline and proper conduct of students of Bihpuria College, the College authority has followed some strict rules and regulations. In addition to this, the Governing Body of the college approved a Disciplinary Action Committee to normalise or stabilize some unwanted situations in the college for its smooth functioning. For any form of violation by the students against the rules and regulations of the college, the college authority will take action against the student(s) as per the advice of the Disciplinary Action Committee.


1. Student while coming to the college or representing the college at any other place should be in proper uniform.

2. No student should loiter in the veranda, corridors or college campus during class hours.

3. Students should not bring outsiders to the college campus during working hours without prior permission of the Principal.

4. Students should not organize any meeting or picnic without proper permission of the Principal.

5. Students of the college should not collect any fund from classmates or outsiders without the permission of the Principal.

6. Students should attend classes according to their allotted classes specified in routine and they are not to disturb other class, group or section.

7. Students should not damage any classroom property or campus property of the college. In case any damage is caused by students, they shall have to pay the price thereof and will be punished according to the college rules. For such activity the College Authority will take action as per decision of the Disciplinary Action Committee.

8. Smoking, Drinking of Alcohol, Consumption of Tobacco and Gutkha is strictly prohibited in the college campus. Violating this, the College Authority will take action leading to punishment.

9. Students should read the notice board from time to time and be informed about instructions/ information displayed for their benefit.

10. Students should deposit any lost property found by them to the college office. Owners of the lost property should claim the same from the office counter with due proof.

11. Students should attend their classes in the sections allotted to them and not any other class or section unless notified by the Authority.

Maintenance of College Disciplines

All students of the College are required to maintain discipline in and around the college. The College Authority will take disciplinary action against students who disobey college rules and regulations. For major offence, authority may resort to compulsory transfer or expulsion from the college. For smooth running of the college, the Principal and the Disciplinary Action Committee will take action against such other offences of students, mentioned below:

i.                    Violation of the college uniform.

ii.                  Habitual unpunctuality.

iii.                Resorting to violence of any kind.

iv.                Disturbance to College Authority and Teachers.

v.                  Use of unfair means in the college examinations.

vi.                Use of mobile phones in classes.

vii.              Smoking, chewing of tobacco and gutkha

viii.            Damaging, defacing any college property.

ix.                Holding of any meeting in the College campus without prior permission of the authority.

The Constitution of the Bihpuria College Student’s Union is the main pillar regarding maintenance of discipline in the time of student’s election. The recommendations of the Lyngdoh Committee Report on Student’s Union Election have been implemented in the college. The UGC Regulation on Curbing Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 is also being implemented to maintain discipline among the students in the college.